Examination and Final Score

The examination is a scheduled academic activity that is carried out to measure the success of the teaching and learning processes, whether or not students have understood the taught materials and how effective the teaching and learning processes have been. In addition, it is necessary for the lecturers to classify students into several groups, according to their capability based on the examination results.

  1. Types of Examination

Mid-semester Examination

This is a scheduled academic activity that is administered in the middle of the semester. Mid-semester examination will be held in writing and scheduled every semester.

Final Examination

It is a form of test administered after all the semester materials have been taught to the students for the semester. Final examination scores are given in numbers.

Remedial Examination

It is held after the final examination, which allows students to take it after receiving their final exam scores. The students who are not satisfied with their score can take this test.

  1. Examination time and Question form

The duration of the mid-term and final exams are adjusted according to the number of the credits for the course. The examination time for subjects with two credits is 60-90 minutes; for subjects with three and four credits, it is between 90 and 120 minutes. The Faculty does not hold make-up exams for both the mid-term and final exams, except for students who conduct Hajj or carry out specific tasks assigned by the Dean or Rector. A make-up exam is held by the lecturer after obtaining a recommendation from the Head of the Study Programme.

Final Score

Final score is the average score from all the components of the subjects. Final score is given in numbers with the following qualifications:

Mark Score Mark Score
A 4.00 C 2.00
A- 3.75 C- 1.75
A/B 3.50 C/D 1.50
B+ 3.25 D+ 1.25
B 3.00 D 1.00
B- 2.75 E 0
B/C 2.50 F {}


C+ 2.25

  • ‘F’ mark with zero scores { } will be given to students who do not fulfil all of the scoring components.
  • Students who do not take part in the final exam, because they do not meet the attendance requirements, are still entitled to receive a score in accordance with the score obtained from other scoring components.
  • Conversion of numerical scoring to final letter-shaped scoring is regulated by the following conditions:
Numerical score Letter score Numerical score Letter score
80.00 – 100 A 62.50 – 64.99 C+
77.50 – 79.99 A- 60.00 – 62.49 C
75.00 – 77.49 A/B 55.00 – 54.99 C-
72.50 – 74.99 B+ 50.00 – 54.99 C/D
70.00 – 72.49 B 45.00 – 49.99 D+
67.50 – 69.99 B- 40.00 – 44.99 D
65.00 – 67.49 B/C <40.00 E

3. Progress Reports

The academic progress of students in the Faculty of Industrial Technology is determined by a satisfactory grade point average (GPA). GPA illustrates the level of students’ learning success for the courses taken and indicated through a number taken to the second decimal. GPA is divided into two categories: Semester GPA (IPK Semester) and Cumulative GPA (IPK Kumulatif).

  1. Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)

Semester grade point average is a figure referring to the average academic achievement by a student in one semester. The calculation of SGPA is as follows:

  1. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

Cumulative grade point average is a figure referring to the student’s average academic accomplishment in all taken semesters with the following formula:

The students’ learning progress shall periodically be reported to both students and their parents. The students’ examination results will be mailed to the parents to keep them posted about their children’s study progress; this is considered a form of faculty accountability to society, which  requires educational services.

The number of credits that can be taken by the students in the current semester is decided by their achievement of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) from the previous semester. System (generated by Unisys) will calculate the available number of credits that should be taken for students in each semester. For more information about the calculation system, please contact the Division of Academic officer.

  1. Complaints of the Final Score

Complaints Purpose

The Faculty’s policy to address complaints about final scores is based on the following principles:

  1. As a form of academic service to ensure satisfaction in the assessment of student learning outcomes
  2. As a faculty instrument to prevent the abuse of lecturer authority in the assessment of student learning in a course
  3. As a form of applying the principles of education, which should be valid, objective, fair, integrated, open, comprehensive and sustainable and systematic; they emphasize reference criteria and accountablity in the assessment of student learning.

Complaints General Guideline

Students’ complaints about the scores that are regulated in this Academic Guide can only be made for the final scores issued by the lecturers. Complaints on mid-semester examination (UTS) scores or the score of the assignments given by subject lecturers can be reported directly by the student to the lecturer. Complaints about the scores can only be submitted by students in the current semester of the academic calendar.

Complaints Procedures

To assure orderliness, smoothness, and students’ satisfaction in filing a complaint about the scores, the following procedures for complaints have been proposed:

  1. Handling students’ complaints about the final score of a course is coordinated by the Academic Division officer.
  2. The Academic Division provides a Test Score Complaint Form to be filled by the complaining students.
  3. The complaint form should be submitted no later than seven working days from the end of the semester final examination.
  4. Furthermore, the Value Complaint Form should be filled out completely by students to be submitted to the lecturer in the subject in question.
  5. The results of complaints can be:
  6. a fixed score, if it turns out that there is no mistake in the assessment process carried out by the lecturer;
  1. the score is upgraded if the complaint turns out to be valid and that there has been a mistake in the assessment process by the lecturer arising from the final calculation of the test score and after processing the complaint about the score;
  2. the result of the value complaint, as set forth in letter ‘e’ above, is then filled in by the lecturer on the form, which is carried by the student and signed by the lecturer concerned;
  3. the lecturer then submits the form to request approval from the Head of Study Programme. If there is a change in the score, it then must be accompanied with the reasons for changing the score and student’s complaint;
  4. the Head of Study Programme will inform the lecturer concerned to change the score in question. The new scores that have been approved by the Head of Study Programme are then announced through the Unisys system;
  5. the period of validation of change in score is not later than three days after the receipt of the score complaint form;

in the event that the score change document cannot be submitted by the lecturer, the lecturer can submit it to the Head of Study Programme via SMS, telephone, email, fax, or other media. The lecturer is still obliged to submit the revised score document within seven working days after the submission of the new scores.