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International Admision for Academic Year 2018/2019 is now open

International for University Year 2018/2019 is now open

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1999 Developed by establishing two new international programs, law faculty and faculty of industrial technology.

Why the International Program

A world is viewed as an integration system of people, machine, equipment, materials, funds, management, and organization. Everyone is aware that to acquire a simultaneous integration, one must hold a competitive advantage over others. This implies that to succeed in this era, one should not simply rely on one’s own special advantage. Rather, one should accordingly adapt to the change or fail. Moreover, the engineering world goes beyond the development itself. It is boosting to reach the peak.

The International Program, Industrial Engineering Depatment, Universitas Islam Indonesia offers curriculum and syllabus for four year undergraduate programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering. Students are trained with experiments and laboratory work as well as theoretical studies. The principal objective of the undergraduate industrial engineering curriculum is to provide an opportunity for personal maturity and intellectual growth on the basic of Islam for the attainment of professional competence and for the development of social responsibility. IP-IE graduates will maintain a balance between cognitive skills and all skill required to challenge global competition.

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