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Assalammu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Diberitahukan kepada seluruh mahasiswa FTI UII bahwa masa persiapan kuliah Semester Genap 2020/2021 telah tiba. Berikut beberapa informasi terkait masa pra key-in RAS dan key in RAS:

  1. Masa pra key-in adalah kegiatan akademik yang dilakukan mahasiswa untuk merencanakan mata kuliah sebelum masa key-in secara online menggunakan UIIRas (gateway.uii.ac.id), dengan cara memasukkan mata kuliah ke keranjang

            Pelaksanaan: Kamis-Jumat, 11-12 Februari 2021 jam 09.00-16.00 WIB

  1. Masa key-in adalah pengajuan rencana kegiatan akademik dilakukan mahasiswa secara langsung dengan mendaftar mata kuliah yang akan diambil ke dalam Rencana Akademik Semester (RAS) secara online menggunakan UIIRas (gateway.uii.ac.id). 

          Pelaksanaan: 17-19 Februari 2021 (lihat kalender akademik

  1. Program Studi  yang menggunakan pra key-in adalah 
  • Teknik Kimia (Angkatan 2019 dan sebelumnya)
  • Teknik Industri dan IP (Angkatan 2019 dan sebelumnya
  • Teknik Mesin (Angkatan 2019 dan sebelumnya)

      Untuk angkatan 2020 akan di-”paket” oleh prodi (ikuti petunjuk di masing-masing prodi).

  1. Program Studi yang tidak menggunakan pra key-in adalah 
  • Informatika
  • Teknik Elektro
  • Rekayasa Tekstil

Panduan key in setiap prodi dapat dilihat di laman program studi sebagai berikut:

  1. Prodi teknik Kimia (terlampir)
  2. Prodi teknik Industri reguler https://industrial.uii.ac.id/7118-2, IP (terlampir)
  3. Prodi Informatika http://s.id/KeyinGenap2021
  4. Prodi Teknik Elektro (terlampir)
  5. Prodi Teknik Mesin (terlampir)
  6. Rekayasa Tekstil https://textiles.uii.ac.id/UIIRAS2020 

Demikian pengumuman ini dibuat dan harap diperhatikan dengan seksama.

Wassalammu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Divisi Akademik FTI UII


The Information Regards the Pre Key-in RAS and Key-in RAS
Even Semester of Year 2020/2021


Assalammu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

To all students of the Faculty of Industrial Technology UII, the preparation for even semester of year 2020/2021 is started. Below are information regarding the pre-key-in RAS and key-in RAS: 

  1. The pre-key-in period is the academic process for students to PLAN the courses that are going to be taken before the key-in period. The pre-key-in is done online using UIIRas (gateway.uii.ac.id), by selecting the planned courses and putting them into the basket.
    The pre-key-in period is on Thursday – Wednesday, 11-12 February 2021 from 09.00-16.00 Indonesian Western Time.
  2. The key-in period is the academic process for students to register the planned courses (from the pre-key-in period) to the Rencana Academic Semester/RAS (Planned Academic Semester).  The registration during key-in is done online using UIIRas (gateway.uii.ac.id).
    The key-in period is on Wednesday-Friday, 17-19 February 2021 (check academic calendar for the time).
  3. The pre-key-in procedure applies to the following departments:
    • Chemical Engineering (for students of year 2019 and before)
    • Industrial Engineering regular and international program (for students of year 2019 and before)
    • Mechanical Engineering  (for students of year 2019 and before)

    For students of year 2020, the pre-key-in and key-in process will be guided by the secretary/administrator of the department (please follow the instructions in each department).

  4. The pre-key-in procedure DOES NOT apply to the following departments:
    • Informatics
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Textile Engineering
  5. The pre-key-in and key-in guideline for each department can be accessed in the following links:


Academic Division
Faculty of Industrial Technology
Universitas Islam Indonesia