INFORMASI JADWAL UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER GANJIL 2024/2025 (Final Exam of Odd Semester 2024/2025)
== Cek berkala jadwal UAS pada link untuk mengetahui perubahan jadwal/ruang ujian ==
Ykh. Sivitas Akademika Fakultas Teknologi Industri
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Menindaklanjuti Surat Keputusan Rektor Nomor. 725/SK-REK/SP/VII/2022 tentang Pemulihan Proses Pembelajaran dan Kegiatan Akademik di Lingkungan Universitas Islam Indonesia maka pelaksanaan Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Ganjil T.A. 2024/2025 akan dilaksanakan secara luring di kampus Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI). Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, berikut kami informasikan bahwa:
- Sesuai kalender akademik UII T.A 2024/2025, perkuliahan tahap II berakhir tanggal 6 Januari 2025.
- Pelaksanaan UAS pada tanggal 13-24 Januari 2025, rincian jadwal UAS dapat diakses pada (Silakan cek berkala jadwal pada link tersebut untuk mengetahui perubahan jadwal/ruang ujian)
- Khusus MKWU, mengikuti ketentuan dari Universitas (Direktorat Layanan Akademik) yang dapat dilihat pada tautan berikut ini (informasi MKWU: [email protected]).
- Peserta ujian wajib membawa kartu identitas (KTM, KTP atau SIM) ketika mengikuti ujian.
- Mahasiswa diwajibkan login ke SIM NKMD ( untuk mendapatkan kartu ujian online.
- Mahasiswa wajib memperlihatkan kartu ujian online kepada pengawas ujian saat akan memasuki ruang ujian. Setelah itu HP atau gawai bisa dimasukkan ke dalam tas dan diletakkan di depan (kecuali ada izin memakai perangkat gawai dari dosen/pengawas).
- Durasi Ujian: jika sifat ujian Pengumpulan/Pengambilan Tugas di Ruang Kelas, maka waktu presensi ujian hanya 30 menit, mohon mahasiswa bisa hadir 30 menit di awal ujian. Jika hadir lebih dari 30 menit, maka dianggap tidak hadir ujian.
- Apabila terdapat jadwal ujian yang bertabrakan (bentrok), dimohon 3 hari sebelum pelaksanaan ujian menghubungi Divisi Administrasi Akademik di Ruang Layanan Lantai Basement Gedung K.H. Mas Mansur dan mengisi form berikut
- Jika terjadi permasalahan terkait teknis ujian harap melaporkan kepada panitia ujian di ruang panitia di Ruang LS 5 (02.17) lantai 2 Gedung K.H. Mas Mansur sayap timur laut.
- Perkuliahan tahap I Semester Genap TA. 2024/2025 akan dimulai 3 Maret 2025 – 9 Mei 2025.
- Peserta Ujian adalah mahasiswa FTI-UII yang telah memenuhi syarat administrasi ujian akhir semester yaitu telah melakukan pembayaran SPP Angsuran 2 T.A. 2024/2025 dan presensi kehadiran minimal 75%.
- Selama mengikuti ujian peserta harus berpakaian sopan/rapi/bersepatu, mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan mengenakan kaos oblong/topi/sandal/kacamata hitam.
- Peserta ujian WAJIB membawa peralatan ujian sendiri dan identitas yang memuat foto diri, seperti KTP, KTM atau SIM.
- Ujian hanya dilaksanakan pada jadwal yang telah ditetapkan.
- Batas peserta ujian yang terlambat hadir, maksimal 30 menit. Lebih dari 30 menit peserta ujian tidak diperkenankan mengikuti ujian.
Kewajiban dan Larangan Peserta Ujian selama ujian berlangsung.
- Wajib:
– Mematikan segala alat komunikasi (smartphone dan sejenisnya) kecuali ketentuan khusus soal.
– Terdaftar di daftar hadir ujian oleh petugas.
– Menunjukkan kartu identitas, yang memuat foto diri (KTM, SIM, atau KTP).
– Mentaati tata tertib ujian, menjaga kebersihan dan ketenangan, bersikap sopan terhadap pengawas dan peserta ujian lainnya. - Dilarang:
- Izin ke kamar mandi saat ujian berlangsung. Peserta diberikan kesempatan ke kamar mandi sebelum ujian dimulai.
- Mengerjakan soal di luar waktu yang ditetapkan.
- Membuka catatan (buku dan sejenisnya), Hp, Smartwatch, Notebook (tablet dan sejenisnya) kecuali ada ketentuan yang memperbolehkan.
- Saling pinjam-meminjam alat/sarana pendukung ujian.
- Kerja sama/mencontek/sejenisnya.3. Mohon diperhatikan:
– Meninggalkan ruang ujian berarti selesai mengerjakan ujian.
– Peserta ujian yang melanggar tata tertib ujian dapat dikenakan sanksi berupa: teguran dari pengawas, atau tidak diproses hasil ujiannya dan dianggap gugur, atau skorsing dari status kemahasiswaannya bagi peserta ujian yang terbukti melakukan pelanggaran sebagaimana diatur dalam peraturan disiplin mahasiswa.
- Kartu ujian dapat dilihat dengan login ke SIM NKMD.
- Pilih jadwal dan kartu ujian
- Lihat kartu ujian
Peta lokasi Ruangan kelas per lantai di Gedung K.H. Mas Mansur FTI UII beserta layout tempat duduk yang dipakai pada UAS Ganjil T.A. 2024/2025:
- Ruang 01.05 A (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 01.05 B (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 02.05 (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 02.10 (kapasitas 50 orang)
- Ruang 02.11 (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 02.12 (kapasitas 50 orang)
- Ruang 02.13 (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 02.14 (kapasitas 50 orang)
- Ruang 02.18 (kapasitas 50 orang, ruang cadangan)
- Ruang 02.20 (kapasitas 50 orang, ruang cadangan)
- Ruang 03.04 A (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 03.04 B (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 03.05 A (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 03.05 B (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 03.06 A (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 03.06 B (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 03.09 (kapasitas 50 orang)
- Ruang 03.10 (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 03.11 (kapasitas 50 orang)
- Ruang 03.12 (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 03.13 (kapasitas 50 orang)
- Ruang 03.16 (kapasitas 50 orang, ex FIAI)
- Ruang 03.17 (kapasitas 50 orang, ex FIAI)
- Ruang 03.18 (kapasitas 50 orang, ex FIAI)
- Ruang 04.03 (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 04.04 (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 04.05 A (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 04.05 B (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 04.08 (kapasitas 50 orang)
- Ruang 04.09 (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 04.10 (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 04.11 (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 04.12 (kapasitas 50 orang)
- Ruang 04.15 A (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 04.15 B (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 04.16 (kapasitas 25 orang)
- Ruang 04.17 (kapasitas 25 orang)
Demikian informasi ini kami sampaikan dan harap diperhatikan dengan seksama. Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai UAS Ganjil T.A. 2024/2025 akan kami perbaharui pada laman ini.
Wassalammu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
English Version
To the Academic Community of the Faculty of Industrial Technology
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
It is announced to all students of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia the implementation of the Final Exam of Odd Semester 2024/2025, as follows:
- Following the UII Academic Calendar 2024/2025, the first half of the semester ends on January 6, 2025.
- The final exam will be held from January 13, 2025, to January 24, 2025, and complies with the schedule that can be accessed here.
- For courses that comply with the MKWU scheme, the schedule and rules for mid-exam follow the guidelines from the University/Directorate of Academic Development can be accessed at the following link. (MKWU information: [email protected]).
- Participants must bring an identity card (KTM, KTP, or SIM) when taking the exam.
- Students are required to log in to SIM NKMD ( to get an online admit card.
- Students are required to show their online exam card to the supervisor when entering the room. The utilization of electronic gadgets is prohibited (such as Cell Phone/Laptop/Smartwatch) unless there is specific and written instruction from the lecturer/exam supervisor, to use an electronic device.
- For any conflicting test schedule please contact the Academic Administration Division in the Basement Floor Service Room of the K.H. Building. Mas Mansur, 3 days before the implementation of the test.
- If any issues related to the exam implementation, please report them to the exam committee in Learning Space 5 (Room 02.17), 2nd floor, K.H. Mas Mansur Building, located in the northeast wing of the building.
- The first period of the even semester 2024/2025 starts on March 3, 2024 to May 9, 2025.
General Rules:
- Exam Participants are registered as students of the Faculty of Industrial Technology UII.
- While taking the exam, participants must dress politely/neatly/in shoes, and students are not allowed to wear t-shirts/hats/sandals/sunglasses.
- It is a MUST for exam participants to bring their exam equipment and identification containing a photo of themselves, such as KTP, KTM, or SIM.
- Exams are only carried out on a predetermined schedule.
- The students must present in class to take the exam, a maximum of 30 minutes after the exam starts. More than 30 minutes, examinees are not permitted to take the exam.
Obligations and Prohibitions of Exam Participants during the Exam.
- Do:
– Power down all communication devices (such as smartphones, smartwatches, and/or similar items), except for special circumstances as outlined, regarding the exam.
– Registered in the attendance list.
– Prepare an identification card with a photo (Student Card/KTM, Driver License/SIM, or Identity Card/KTP).
– Follow the exam rules, keep the class clean and quiet, and show respect to class supervisors and fellow participants. - Don’t:
- Leave the classroom to use the restroom during the exam. Participants are allowed to use the restroom before the test begins.
- Work on questions beyond the allotted time.
- Open notes (books and similar items), smartphones, smartwatches, and notebooks (tablets and the like), unless it is allowed.
- Share writing tools and others during exams.
- Cheat on exams or perform activities similar to that.3. Please notice that:
– Leaving the exam room means you have finished taking the exam.
– Exam participants who violate exam rules may be subject to sanctions in the form of a warning from the supervisor, exam results will not be processed and will be considered disqualified, or suspension from their student’s active status to those who are proven to have committed violations as regulated in the student disciplinary regulations.
- The exam card can be viewed by logging in to SIM NKMD.
- Selecting the schedule and test card
- Viewing the test card
Following is the map of the classroom location per floor in Gedung K.H. Mas Mansur FTI UII, also displaying its seat layout for the Final Exam of Odd Semester 2024/2025:
- Room 01.05 A (capacity 25 people)
- Room 01.05 B (capacity 25 people)
- Room 02.05 (capacity 25 people)
- Room 02.10 (capacity 50 people)
- Room 02.11 (capacity 25 people)
- Room 02.12 (capacity 50 people)
- Room 02.13 (capacity 25 people)
- Room 02.14 (capacity 50 people)
- Room 02.18 (capacity 50 people, spare room)
- Room 02.20 (capacity 50 people, spare room)
- Room 03.04 A (capacity 25 people)
- Room 03.04 B (capacity 25 people)
- Room 03.05 A (capacity 25 people)
- Room 03.05 B (capacity 25 people)
- Room 03.06 A (capacity 25 people)
- Room 03.06 B (capacity 25 people)
- Room 03.09 (capacity 50 people)
- Room 03.10 (capacity 25 people)
- Room 03.11 (capacity 50 people)
- Room 03.12 (capacity 25 people)
- Room 03.13 (capacity 50 people)
- Room 03.16 (capacity 50 people, ex SONS)
- Room 03.17 (capacity 50 people, ex SONS)
- Room 03.18 (capacity 50 people, ex SONS)
- Room 04.03 (capacity 25 people)
- Room 04.04 (capacity 25 people)
- Room 04.05 A (capacity 25 people)
- Room 04.05 B (capacity 25 people)
- Room 04.08 (capacity 50 people)
- Room 04.09 (capacity 25 people)
- Room 04.10 (capacity 25 people)
- Room 04.11 (capacity 25 people)
- Room 04.12 (capacity 50 people)
- Room 04.15 A (capacity 25 people)
- Room 04.15 B (capacity 25 people)
- Room 04.16 (capacity 25 people)
- Room 04.17 (capacity 25 people)
Therefore, this information is delivered for your consideration. Information regarding the Final Exam of Odd Semester 2024/2025 have already been updated at
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.